"Each and every day DO something NEW and experience your creativity and joy in life soar."

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


It was raining today.  That is nothing NEW.  In fact it is getting really OLD.  As I have nothing really waterproof to wear in the rain (no slicker, no poncho, just a windbreaker and it is not enough) in between a client meeting and a meeting my finance guy I headed over to the Army Navy store in Stoughton. It isn't a big place but it has some cool stuff such as BOOTY CAMP PANTIES, No I didn't buy any.  I just shot the photo to keep my male readership levels up.  Shameless I know :) not to mention the possible pun.

Anyway...I opted to purchase a NEW 4 way vinyl poncho in camouflage colors.  It was a dollar more than the other colors but the vinyl seemed more durable. With two of them you can make an emergency tent, a sleeping bag or a foul weather ground sheet. Cool. And with just one I can be INVISIBLE. I haven't been invisible for a long time.  I tested the camouflage out in the backyard.  It seems to work.  I blend right into nature as long as I am wearing the hood.  I'll need to remember the dates for hunting season around these parts.  Sometimes being bright orange in the woods is a better idea.

A poncho is a necessity for the trunk of my car.  I am a native New Englander.  We have been trained since early childhood to have everything we need for emergencies.  The kids of my generation grew up with parents that always had extra canned goods in the cellar of the house, C sized flashlight batteries, toilet paper, oil lanterns and maybe a cord of wood in the back for when we got snowed in.  I am daddy's little girl with a fully loaded SEARS Craftsman toolbox in my trunk, plenty of duct tape, tire sealer, emergency flares and a car blanket.  After the mouse invasion the car blanket is sealed in a plastic storage box along with my gloves, ski hat, super warm wool sweater, windbreaker, headlamp, flashlight, sleeping bag and liner, ski suit and boots.  I don't mind being invisible but I DO hate being COLD.

It was tempting to stay longer and chat with the owner but I was on the run and still am. There is more to DO NEW today.  Perhaps the DO will not be DO NEWs worthy but at least I will be warm and dry,

As a final note I want to I salute all you DO NEWers out there!  BOOTY CAMP U-TROU wearers get an extra 10 points for diligence and dedication to the cause of not being boring.  You can get your NEW pair at...

763 Washington Street
Stoughton, MA 02072

Just look for the Wooden Indian.  If it is raining he will be wearing a poncho. Today he was in very fashionable lime green.

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