"Each and every day DO something NEW and experience your creativity and joy in life soar."

Thursday, May 31, 2012


What a beautiful New England late spring day.  After three days of thick overcast skies it was wonderful to wake up to sunshine!  My clients were in the morning so by noon I was free to go and DO NEW.  Today was a rather normal DO NEW.  I needed to crack open that NEW Garmin GPS and figure out how it worked.  I am still figuring out how it works.

I managed to set it well enough to take it out on the bike but but I have not mastered the set up.  I hooked it into the computer but the computer tells me I have not fully finished DOing something. This was not the day to waste at a computer so I downloaded the PDF manuals for later, chose the closest state park from the ATTRACTIONS option on the device, wrapped it in a napkin to keep from marring it and I put it in the zippered mesh pocket of my camel-back.  It was time to hit the road already!  As for figuring out how to code in the bike rambles that I copied from a library book I have no clue.  That will take NEW brain cells.  The old ones are worn out.

So that's it.  It is a short DO NEW day just trying to figure out this NEW (for me) technology.  Over the next few days I will get this GPS figured out and personalized.  Right now I have the voice of Michelle guiding me along my routes.  She has a slight tinge of VG (Valley Girl) in her inflection.  I may need to switch voices soon. O M G !

Why are there no sexy male voices to select?  I would be quite pleased being ordered around by the OLD SPICE MAN or  better yet Antonio Banderas.  "Let's Go."  :0)

NEW DO IT UP THIS WEEKEND.  Start planning fun NEW things to DO now.  It is Thursday. I think. :)

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